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Electric Guitars
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Product information

Das VOX V863-CA Semi-Auto Wah ist eine revolutionäre Kombination aus Tradition und Innovation! Es verbindet das ikonische, manuelle VOX Wah mit zwei interaktiven Auto Wah Modi, welche einspringen, sobald das Expression-Pedal, im eingeschalteten Zustand, nicht manuell gesteuert wird. Sobald das Pedal bewegt wird, schaltet es sofort wieder in den manuellen Modus.

Und das Wichtigste: egal in welchem Modus, der legendäre VOX Wah-Tone wird beibehalten, was einen absolut flüssigen Wechsel der Modi ermöglicht!

Diese einzigartige Kombination aus Manuell und Automatik, macht das V863-CA zu DEM optimalen Wah Pedal für alle Spielniveaus. Während Einsteiger auf diesem Gebiet sofort großartige Sounds erzeugen und Passagen interessanter gestalten können, ohne vorher ausgiebig die Motorik zu trainieren, ermöglicht es fortgeschrittenen Gitarristen einzigartige Effekte zu kreieren. Da die Auto-Modi durch das Anschlagen der Saiten ausgelöst werden, kann schneller interagiert werden, als es manuell je möglich wäre. Die nahtlose Integration von manueller und automatischer Steuerung eröffnet unzählige Möglichkeiten für Soli und rhythmische Grooves bis hin zu experimentellen Klängen.

Standard Modus: Volle manuelle Kontrolle über das Wah mittels Pedal, ganz wie bei einem traditionellen Wah-Pedal.

Envelope Follower Modus: Der Wah-Effekt folgt dynamisch der Spielintensität und bietet somit einzigartiges Ausdruckspotential. Die Effektgeschwindigkeit kann mit den Reglern ATTACK und SENS angepasst werden.

Envelope Generator Modus: Das Wah wird unabhängig von der Anschlagstärke erzeugt und ermöglicht somit einen sehr gleichmäßigen Effekt. Der Shape des Effekts kann mit den Reglern ATTACK und DECAY angepasst werden.

  • Battery Type: 9 V Block
  • Battery powered: Battery Powered
  • Controls: Attack, Sens/Decay, Transition Time
  • Country of origin: Vietnam
  • Dimensions (WxHxD): 106 x 254 x 75 mm
  • Effect Type: Auto Wah
  • Includes: Power supply not included
  • Switches: Mode, Polarity
  • Weight: 1,4 kg
  • suitable for studio: yes
About Vox

Vox Amplification 's legendary sound begins with Dick Denney , an amp designer who worked for England's JMI Corporation in 1957. Dick was a passionate guitarist himself and worked with the JMI staff to develop an amplifier model that could deliver the volume that the guitarists of his time were looking for in order to be able to fill entire arenas. The result of their work was launched on the market in January 1958. This amplifier model, called AC1/15 , marks the first appearance of the manufacturer Vox and thus began a story that has been continued with great success for over 60 years. Later renamed the Vox AC15 for convenience, this amplifier model quickly became the first choice of London's top guitarists, including Vic Flick, who used an AC15 for the legendary recording of the James Bond Theme .

In the spring of 1960, Dick and his crew quickly realized that London's up-and-coming bands needed more power from their amplifiers . Rock music was on the rise and wanted to be served with the perfect amps. Dick decided to double the power of his renowned AC15 rather than create a completely new amp. The enclosure was expanded and an additional loudspeaker was added. The new amplifier model was named AC30/4 Twin . With 30 watts, two 12" Celestion speakers, four inputs and two channels, the Vox AC30/4 Twin was a hit among musicians on the British scene and established Vox as one of the most successful amp manufacturers in the UK.
In July 1962 two boys from Liverpool bought their first Vox amps, an AC15 Twin and a Top Boost equipped AC30 Twin. Later that year you recorded a song called Love Me Do in the studio with your band The Beetles . From this point on, their unique guitar sound became the standard in modern music .

The massive success that Vox achieved in the '60s laid the foundation for the legacy that still thrives almost 60 years later. amplifier model like the AC10 , AC15 and AC30 are still the most popular Vox products among professional and amateur guitarists.
Many of Vox's current products, such as the renowned Valvetronix amplifier model or the Mini Go and amPlug series , feature cutting-edge technology to achieve unprecedented sonic flexibility. With the ability to offer both classic tube tones and sophisticated modeling technology , Vox has many amplifier model in its range to suit the needs of the modern guitarist.
The sound of Vox amplifiers has shaped the sound of pop music for the last 60 years. Many influential artists , such as Dave Grohl and Chris Shiflett ( Foo Fighters ), Albert Hammond Jr ( The Strokes ), Brian May ( Queen ) or Bob Weir ( The Greatful Dead ) rely on Vox amplifier model to enhance their guitar sound both in the studio and to amplify on stage. Find your sound with Vox!

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