SB-PDM-FS-M - Professional Double Mallet, Felt Tips, Medium
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Meinl Sonic Energy SB-PDM-FS-M - Professional Double Mallet, Filzspitzen, Medium
Perfekter Sound durch hochwertige Materialien
Der Schlägel ist aus gefärbtem Buchenholz gefertigt und hat ein angenehmes Gewicht von 101 g. Mit einer Länge von 11,81" (30,00 cm) liegt er gut in der Hand und ermöglicht präzise Schläge. Die Spitzen des Schlägels sind aus Filz und Silikon gefertigt, was für einen ausgezeichneten Sound sorgt.
Vielseitige Features
Aber das ist noch nicht alles. Der Meinl Sonic Energy SB-PDM-FS-M ist nicht einfach nur ein Schlägel. Er ist ein Kombischlägel und ermöglicht somit den mühelosen Wechsel zwischen Metall- und Kristallklangschalen. Damit ist er perfekt für Klangbäder mit verschiedenen Instrumenten geeignet.
- Accessories for: Sound bowl
- Color/ Finish: Natural
- Length: 11,81" (30,00 cm)
- Material: Colored Beech Wood, Felt, Silicone
- Product code: SB-PDM-FS-M
- Subcategory: Incl. Mallets
- Weight: 101 g
- Combination mallet enables effortless switching between Metal and Crystal Singing Bowls
- Perfekt für Klangbäder mit verschiedenen Instrumenten
Since 2014, Meinl Sonic Energy has been enriching the Meinl company range with a unique world of sound and relaxation. The range offers almost endless areas of application and possibilities for using sound to slow down everyday life and create small, relaxing breaks . The instruments are mainly used to support the treatment of depression, anxiety, insomnia, addiction withdrawal and pain treatment, but also to support meditation and yoga. Meinl Sonic Energy also offers a variety of smaller instruments for the desk in the office or home office or the living room, which make it possible to enter the inspiring world of sound in these series. The range is further supplemented by handpans , steel tongue drums and didgeridoos, which are valued by hobby musicians and professional artists alike.
In collaboration with influential artists in sound therapy, the offering is constantly being improved and expanded. For example, the Flower of Life gong, which was specially developed with Jens Zygar, and other gong series such as the chakra gongs and the planetary gongs are all painstakingly handcrafted in Germany. The tuning forks, which are also handmade in Germany, are used in both professional and private settings and, like singing bowls, offer an excellent introduction to the calming world of Meinl Sonic Energy and the possibilities that arise from it.
To experience the complete Meinl Sonic Energy range with all your senses, we would like to recommend a visit to our Walldorf branch. On site we are home to the first Meinl Flagship Store in Europe , where you can find the entire Meinl Sonic Energy portfolio and of course play and try it out.