Jackson Strap Locks Gold

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Die Jackson Strap Locks wurden entwickelt, um dein Instrument selbst bei der anstrengendsten Bühnenakrobatik zu sichern. Sie sind aus robustem Stahl gefertigt. Dank der 360-Grad-Drehung und des einzigartigen, seitlich eingeklemmten Entriegelungsmechanismus kannst du dein Instrument mühelos verstellen - ohne dass es auf den Boden kracht. Diese Gurtschlösser lassen sich leicht an den meisten Instrumentengurten anbringen und verriegeln den Gurt sicher, während die Knöpfe mit dem Jackson-Logo Ihnen versichern, dass sie für die Performance konzipiert sind.
- Batch: 1 Pair
- Color/ Finish: Gold
- Subcategory: Strap security lock
Jackson Guitars was created when Grover Jackson took over the well-known company Charvel's Guitar Repair in 1978. The collaboration with the then Ozzy Osbourne guitarist Randy Rhoads in 1980 resulted in the Rhoads body shape, which is still available today, and also marked the start of Jackson Guitars. The timing was just right because heavy metal was experiencing a heyday in the 1980s and the trend (started by Eddie Van Halen) was so-called super or power strats. These are guitars that are visually more or less based on the classic ST form , but are equipped with more modern and stylistically more suitable components such as humbuckers or Floyd Rose tremolos. Jackson soon earned a reputation as a forger of premium, American-built, high-end custom instruments that could be seen in the hands of many well-known guitarists of the time. With the musical changes of the 1990s, Jackson Guitars began opening factories in the Far East in order to be able to offer their instruments in cheaper areas. Since 2002, both Jackson and Charvel have been part of the Fender Musical Instruments Corporation.