Cleaning and care of saxophones
The session guides for beginners
In order to enjoy your saxophone for as long as possible, it is recommended that you clean the instrument regularly and have it checked by a professional from time to time.
To clean it, it is best to disassemble your saxophone after each playing session . The best way to remove residual moisture that accumulates inside the instrument is to use special wipers for the mouthpiece, body and saxophone neck . To do this, simply pull the corresponding wipers through the mouthpiece, body and saxophone neck several times.

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This is going like clockwork
In order to get the mouthpiece a little more smoothly onto the cork coating on the saxophone neck and thus protect it, it is recommended to use a cork grease if necessary.
What can I do about dirty pad ?
The deposits on the upholstery that lead to unwanted “smacking” are best removed regularly using so-called cleaning paper. To do this, simply place the paper between the key and the tone hole and close the key several times. These simple cleaning instructions greatly extend the longevity of the saxophone. You can find a selection of pull-through wipers, cork grease and cleaning paper here.
Local service
From time to time it is also advisable to have the keys readjusted by a specialist. We offer an expert look at the instrument and the corresponding service on site in our wind instrument workshops.
Don't be fooled
Buy wipers, greases and oils especially for the care of your beloved saxophone from session now!