Universal Audio UAFX Compact Pedals
Small but mighty
The newest members of the Universal Audio UAFX family are the Compact Pedals. The studio effects 1176 , Evermore, Heavenly and Orion, as well as the three new pedals Flow, Brigade and LA-2A impress with their high-end sound. The pedals are studio compressors and modulation effects . These effects bring the sound of legendary, high-priced studio effects and amplifier from the 60s, 70s and 80s to your pedalboard at a comparatively surprisingly affordable price. The sound of all pedals is based heavily on the famous models , but without missing modern features and the best workmanship . To ensure that every effect fits on your pedalboard, the Compact Pedals use smaller enclosure than the other UAFX pedals.

All Universal Audio UAFX Compact Pedals at a glance

Small enclosure, big sound
Of course, the new UAFX compact pedals are not safe from Olli, who has already tested their larger relatives. He immediately dragged the four new pedals 1176, Evermore, Heavenly and Orion in front of the camera and subjected them to extensive testing. You can see and hear the test results and Olli's conclusion in the video below.

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