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Paoletti Guitars

Fabrizio Paoletti opens a barrel!

While some turn water into wine, Fabrizio Paoletti focused on turning wine into musical instruments. To get to the point: Fabrizio produces handmade electric guitars and electric basses from the wood of old wine barrels .

But first things first. Fabrizio Paoletti founded his company Paoletti Guitars in 2005 . The company headquarters are in Tuscany, where the Paoletti family has been producing Chianti red wines since the 19th century. To pay tribute to the old family tradition and make optimal use of the available material , Paoletti used old wine barrels from the family business. His family's wine barrels look back on a tradition that is between 130 and 170 years old. After initial experiments with the chestnut wood barrels, it quickly became apparent that this gave the instruments a special sound . Since this realization, the entire country has been searched for wine barrels made of chestnut wood, from the foothills of the Alps in the north down to the southernmost tip of the boot in Italy, which are no longer used for wine production.

Once the raw material has been found, the company Paoletti Guitars processes it by hand into a great Relic electric guitar . The most popular are certainly the Stratospheric and Nancy models, whose guitar shapes are clearly inspired by the iconic Fender Stratocaster and Telecaster models.

Anyone who has the chance to try out these high-quality electric guitars should enjoy the different models like a fine wine. We think this is a great way to breathe new life into the wine barrels made of old chestnut wood and thus into the Paoletti family tradition!


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