D'Angelico Guitars
Founded in 1932, D'Angelico Guitars is a New York City-based guitar manufacturer building on the legacy of one of the most famous luthiers of all time. The headstock is reminiscent of the company's homeland - it is a homage to the Empire State Building. Offered in three series, Premier, Excel and Deluxe , D'Angelico guitars are exceptionally high quality and versatile instruments for the modern guitarist. D'Angelico is purpose to preserving his legacy while honoring his roots and offering forward-thinking instrument design for the modern musician.
Here you will find an overview of our range of D'Angelico guitars. We offer both western and electric guitars. If you would like to find out more about this famous company, we have put together the most important information for you in our model overview.
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D'Angelico Guitars throughout history
Here you will get a detailed overview of the history of John D'Angelico and his instruments and find out how the company has changed over the years since it was founded in 1932 and what sets D'Angelico guitars apart.
New York, New York
John D'Angelico's first store opened at 40 Kenmare Street in New York City's Little Italy. The shop was small but perfect for a modest operation. Having learned instrument making from his great-uncle, a respected luthier, D'Angelico's instruments were traditionally only made to order and by John D'Angelico himself. In the late 1930s, when production was at its peak, D'Angelico and his apprentice were making about 35 instruments per year. When John D'Angelico died of heart failure in the winter of 1964, the only employee and former trainee James D'Aquisto inherited the workshop and bought the shop from the D'Angelico family.
Today, D'Angelico's headquarters remain in the heart of New York City - one minute from Madison Square Garden and five minutes from the Empire State Building. In an exhibition room, artists are welcomed and events are organized, photos and videos are taken and guests are received. New products are also designed and developed here.

Guitars with a personal touch
John D'Angelico will forever be ranked among the greatest luthiers of all time. His first models, the "Excel" and the "New Yorker", set standards in the jazz scene and in the history of archtop guitars. However, over the years, D'Aquisto's more opulent, highly detailed style in the design of the guitars became more apparent. The late 1950s and early 1960s are often referred to as D'Angelico's "Golden Era", marked by the combined skill of John D'Angelico and James D'Aquisto. Her experiments with burst finishes, bindings and inlays are particularly striking during this period and live on in all D'Angelico guitars to this day.
Today, D'Angelico guitars feature timeless 1930s-inspired details, exceptional craftsmanship, premium tonewoods and high-quality components manufactured by the industry's leading brands. The guitars have become more modern; in addition to the jazz models, semi hollow and solid body models are also available.
Design and development
When a new owner took over the brand in 2011, they wanted to maintain the quality, legacy and ambition of John D'Angelico while making the guitars available to more musicians worldwide. In recent years, D'Angelico Guitars' product range has grown significantly, now offering more models - both brand new and historic reissues - as well as solid-body and acoustic guitars alongside classic archtops and semi-hollows. Each model is designed in New York City with the wants and needs of the modern guitarist in mind, keeping the D'Angelico legacy alive in its detail and craftsmanship. D'Angelico Guitars is purpose to providing quality instruments at every level. Instruments that will inspire you and last a lifetime. Each guitar is built from high-quality components and undergoes particularly thorough testing before delivery.