Combos for Basses
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Heads for Basses
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Cabinets for Basses
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Amplifier Sets for Basses
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Preamps for Basses
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Speaker Cable for Bass Amplifiers
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DI Boxes for Basses
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Accessories for Bass Amplifiers
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Buy bass amplifiers at session
As the name electric bass suggests, like the electric guitar , it is an electric instrument that only reaches a volume suitable for a band through an amplifier . While initially the Bassman designed by Fender was enough to keep up with blues, swing or jazz bands, by the 1960s at the latest, with the rise of rock music, a larger amplifier was needed. This is how, for example, the tube amplifiers from Ampeg were created, which are still particularly popular in rock music today, and whose models such as the V4-B or especially the SVT are closely linked to the history of the electric bass.
In the 80s, however, the somewhat distorted and raw sound of tube amplifiers was no longer in demand, so people increasingly turned to transistor amplifiers, whose sound was more in the direction of a hi-fi system. At that time, amplifier from Trace Elliot, Acoustic and the German manufacturer Glockenklang were more in demand.
Nowadays, a high degree of mobility is very important to bassists, which the Markbass company recognized in the early 2000s and was able to offer small, lightweight bass amplifiers with the use of digital switching power supplies that replaced heavy transformers.
No matter whether you want a rocky or clear sound, whether you want it to be transportable or even a mixture of these criteria, session has a large selection of different bass amplifiers in its range to fulfill every sound requirement.